Summary of 16-Tanaka-FluidDyn

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Image data, Quantitative data based on Experiment
Number of Datasets
6 ( Image datasets: 4, Quantitative data datasets: 2 )
Size of Datasets
243.6 MB ( Image datasets: 241.0 MB, Quantitative data datasets: 2.6 MB )

Mus musculus

fluid dynamics, cell dynamics
Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
Cellular Component (CC)
Biological Imaging Method
XYZ Scale
XY: 0.28 micrometer/pixel, Z: 0micrometer/slice, NA
T scale
0.334 second for each time interval, 0.03 second for each time interval

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
Detector model
Objective model
Filter set

Related paper(s)

Tanaka, Yo, Fujita, Hideaki (2015), Fluid driving system for a micropump by differentiating iPS cells into cardiomyocytes on a tent-like structure, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 210, 267-272

Published in 2015/04/01/

(Abstract) A number of recent studies have exploited the sizes and functional properties of microdevices and cellular mechanical components to construct bio-microactuators. We previously developed bio-micropumps powered by cardiomyocytes that utilizes glucose in the medium as chemical energy. To fabricate the pump, however, primary neonatal rat cardiomyocytes are indispensable. The operation of harvesting primary cells is inconvenient and ethically not adequate due to the need for animals sacrifice. In contrast, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are obtained from subcutaneous tissue. Their most significant properties are that they proliferate indefinitely and can be differentiated into many kinds of cells, including cardiomyocytes, and also have no ethical issue differently from ES cells. By exploiting these properties of iPS cells, the above issues will be addressed. Based on this concept, we constructed a system for driving fluids as a principal component of a micropump by differentiating iPS cells into spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes. Cellular contractile force was transmitted to fluid in a microchannel by a tent-like thin membrane. The microchip was irradiated with O2 plasma and coated with gelatin to attach the cells. Embryoid bodies (EBs) of mouse-derived iPS cells were seeded on the microchip and incubated at 37°C without Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) to differentiate them into cardiomyocytes. About 2 weeks later, EB beating and periodical oscillation of fluid in a microchannel connected to a diaphragm chamber was observed. The theoretical flow rate assuming the use of ideal check valves (Q) was 6.9nL/min. Our device presents a reasonable alternative to normal cardiomyocytes for preliminary investigations requiring bio-actuating pumps.

Yo Tanaka , RIKEN , Quantitative Biology Center , Laboratory for Integrated Biodevice
Yo Tanaka, Hideaki Fujita

Dataset List of 16-Tanaka-FluidDyn

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# 785
Datast ID Movie1
Dataset Kind Image data
Dataset Size 81.8 MB
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# 786
Datast ID Movie2
Dataset Kind Image data
Dataset Size 55.4 MB
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# 787
Datast ID Movie3
Dataset Kind Image data
Dataset Size 28.4 MB
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# 788
Datast ID Movie4
Dataset Kind Image data
Dataset Size 75.4 MB
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# 789
Datast ID Fig4C_device1
Dataset Kind Quantitative data
Dataset Size 1.3 MB
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# 790
Datast ID Fig4C_device2
Dataset Kind Quantitative data
Dataset Size 1.3 MB
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