Detail of FigS4c_oocyte_Ndc80ff

Live imaging of Cyclin B2 overexpression Ndc80f/f oocytes labeled with EGFP-Map4 (microtubules, green) and H2B-mCherry (chromosomes, magenta).
Live imaging of Cyclin B2 overexpression Ndc80f/f oocytes labeled with EGFP-Map4 (microtubules, green) and H2B-mCherry (chromosomes, magenta).
Release, Updated
Image data
File Formats
Data size
2.5 GB

Mus musculus ( NCBI:txid10090 )
Cell Line
Gene symbols
Protein names
Map4, H2B
Protein tags
EGFP, mCherry

Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
meiosis I nuclear membrane disassembly ( GO:0051079 )
Cellular Component (CC)
spindle ( GO:0005819 ) kinetochore ( GO:0000776 ) chromosome ( GO:0005694 )
Biological Imaging Method
confocal microscopy ( Fbbi:00000251 )
X scale
0.1037832 micrometer/pixel
Y scale
0.1037832 micrometer/pixel
Z scale
4 micrometer/slice
T scale
5 minutes per time interval

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
Detector model
Objective model
Filter set

Summary of Methods
See details in Yoshida S, et. al. (2020) Nat Commun., 11(1):2652.
Related paper(s)

Shuhei Yoshida, Sui Nishiyama, Lisa Lister, Shu Hashimoto, Tappei Mishina, Aurelien Courtois, Hirohisa Kyogoku, Takaya Abe, Aki Shiraishi, Meenakshi Choudhary, Yoshiharu Nakaoka, Mary Herbert, Tomoya S Kitajima (2020) Prc1-rich kinetochores are required for error-free acentrosomal spindle bipolarization during meiosis I in mouse oocytes., Nature communications, Volume 11, Number 1, pp. 2652

Published in 2020 May 27 (Electronic publication in May 27, 2020, midnight )

(Abstract) Acentrosomal meiosis in oocytes represents a gametogenic challenge, requiring spindle bipolarization without predefined bipolar cues. While much is known about the structures that promote acentrosomal microtubule nucleation, less is known about the structures that mediate spindle bipolarization in mammalian oocytes. Here, we show that in mouse oocytes, kinetochores are required for spindle bipolarization in meiosis I. This process is promoted by oocyte-specific, microtubule-independent enrichment of the antiparallel microtubule crosslinker Prc1 at kinetochores via the Ndc80 complex. In contrast, in meiosis II, cytoplasm that contains upregulated factors including Prc1 supports kinetochore-independent pathways for spindle bipolarization. The kinetochore-dependent mode of spindle bipolarization is required for meiosis I to prevent chromosome segregation errors. Human oocytes, where spindle bipolarization is reportedly error prone, exhibit no detectable kinetochore enrichment of Prc1. This study reveals an oocyte-specific function of kinetochores in acentrosomal spindle bipolarization in mice, and provides insights into the error-prone nature of human oocytes.
(MeSH Terms)

Tomoya S. Kitajima , RIKEN , Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research , Laboratory for Chromosome Segregation

OMERO Dataset
OMERO Project