Detail of RNAi_C07A9.3_040617_01

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3D time-lapse microscopy images about nuclear division dynamics in C07A9.3(RNAi) embryo (tlk-1(RNAi) embryo)
Release, Updated
Image data based on Experiment related Quantitative data ; RNAi_C07A9.3_040617_01
File Formats
Data size
8.0 GB

C. elegans ( NCBI:txid6239 )
Cell Line
Gene symbols
C07A9.3, tlk-1

nuclear division dynamics
Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
embryo development ( GO:0009790 )
Cellular Component (CC)
nucleus ( GO:0005634 )
Biological Imaging Method
XYZ Scale
XY: 0.105 micrometer/pixel, Z: 0.5 micrometer/slice
T scale
40 second for each time interval

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
Leica DMRE
Detector model
Hamamatsu Photonics ORCA C4742-95
Objective model
Leica HCX PL Apo 100x/1.40 O
Filter set

Summary of Methods
See details in Kyoda et al. (2013) Nucleic Acids Res 41, D732-D737
Related paper(s)

Koji Kyoda, Eru Adachi, Eriko Masuda, Yoko Nagai, Yoko Suzuki, Taeko Oguro, Mitsuru Urai, Ryoko Arai, Mari Furukawa, Kumiko Shimada, Junko Kuramochi, Eriko Nagai, Shuichi Onami (2013) WDDD: Worm Developmental Dynamics Database., Nucleic acids research, Volume 41, Number Database issue, pp. D732-7

Published in 2013 Jan (Electronic publication in Nov. 20, 2012, midnight )

(Abstract) During animal development, cells undergo dynamic changes in position and gene expression. A collection of quantitative information about morphological dynamics under a wide variety of gene perturbations would provide a rich resource for understanding the molecular mechanisms of development. Here, we created a database, the Worm Developmental Dynamics Database (, which stores a collection of quantitative information about cell division dynamics in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos with single genes silenced by RNA-mediated interference. The information contains the three-dimensional coordinate values of the outlines of nuclear regions and the dynamics of the outlines over time. The database provides free access to 50 sets of quantitative data for wild-type embryos and 136 sets of quantitative data for RNA-mediated interference embryos corresponding to 72 of the 97 essential embryonic genes on chromosome III. The database also provides sets of four-dimensional differential interference contrast microscopy images on which the quantitative data were based. The database will provide a novel opportunity for the development of computational methods to obtain fresh insights into the mechanisms of development. The quantitative information and microscopy images can be synchronously viewed through a web browser, which is designed for easy access by experimental biologists.
(MeSH Terms)

Shuichi Onami , RIKEN , Quantitative Biology Center , Laboratory for Developmental Dynamics
Eru Adachi, Eriko Masuda, Yoko Nagai, Yoko Suzuki, Taeko Oguro, Koji Kyoda, Shuichi Onami

OMERO Dataset
OMERO Project