Detail of Fig4a_DNAunderwind_CX

Z-series Lattice-SIM images of bio-psoralen and nucleophosmin in the presence of CX-5461
Z-series Lattice-SIM images of bio-psoralen, which labeled underwound DNA, DAPI and nucleophosmin in the presence of CX-5461. CX-5461 is an inhibitor of RNA polymerase I transcription initiation. Channel1;nucleophosmin (a marker for granular component forming the shell of the nucleoli), Chennel2;psoralen, Channel3;DAPI
Release, Updated
Image data
File Formats
Data size
624.3 MB

Mus musculus ( NCBI:txid10090 )
Cell Line
MC3T3-E1 cell

Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
Cellular Component (CC)
Biological Imaging Method
Lattice-pattern structured illumination microscopy
X scale
0.03 micrometer
Y scale
0.03 micrometer
Z scale
0.40 micrometer
T scale

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
Detector model
Objective model
Filter set

Summary of Methods
Fukute J, Maki K, Adachi T. The nucleolar shell provides anchoring sites for DNA untwisting. Commun Biol. 2024 Jan 23;7(1):83.
Related paper(s)

Jumpei Fukute, Koichiro Maki, Taiji Adachi (2024) The nucleolar shell provides anchoring sites for DNA untwisting., Communications biology, Volume 7, Number 1, pp. 83

Published in 2024 Jan 23 (Electronic publication in Jan. 23, 2024, midnight )

(Abstract) DNA underwinding (untwisting) is a crucial step in transcriptional activation. DNA underwinding occurs between the site where torque is generated by RNA polymerase (RNAP) and the site where the axial rotation of DNA is constrained. However, what constrains DNA axial rotation in the nucleus is yet unknown. Here, we show that the anchorage to the nuclear protein condensates constrains DNA axial rotation for DNA underwinding in the nucleolus. In situ super-resolution imaging of underwound DNA reveal that underwound DNA accumulates in the nucleolus, a nuclear condensate with a core-shell structure. Specifically, underwound DNA is distributed in the nucleolar core owing to RNA polymerase I (RNAPI) activities. Furthermore, underwound DNA in the core decreases when nucleolar shell components are prevented from binding to their recognition structure, G-quadruplex (G4). Taken together, these results suggest that the nucleolar shell provides anchoring sites that constrain DNA axial rotation for RNAPI-driven DNA underwinding in the core. Our findings will contribute to understanding how nuclear protein condensates make up constraints for the site-specific regulation of DNA underwinding and transcription.
(MeSH Terms)

Koichiro Maki , Kyoto University , Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biomechanics, Department of Mammalian Regulatory Network, Graduate School of Biostudies , Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biomechanics, Department of Mammalian Regulatory Network, Graduate School of Biostudies
Jumpei Fukute, Koichiro Maki, Taiji Adachi

OMERO Dataset
OMERO Project