Detail of MovieS1_chemotaxis

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The movie of the ammonium chemotaxis of Chlamydomonas CC-124
The movie of the ammonium chemotaxis of Chlamydomonas CC-124. To validate chemical gradient formation via chemical diffusion, the authors also tracked changes in pH in a dish with a bromophenol blue solution, a pH-sensitive colorimetric dye.
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993.5 KB

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ( NCBI:txid3055 )
Cell Line

Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
cell chemotaxis ( GO:0060326 )
Cellular Component (CC)
Biological Imaging Method
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T scale
5 minutes

Image Acquisition
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Summary of Methods
Nelson G, Strain A, Isu A, Rahnama A, Wakabayashi KI, Melvin AT, Kato N. Cells collectively migrate during ammonium chemotaxis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Sci Rep. 2023 Jul 4;13(1):10781
Related paper(s)

Gabela Nelson, Alexis Strain, Atsuko Isu, Alireza Rahnama, Ken-Ichi Wakabayashi, Adam T Melvin, Naohiro Kato (2023) Cells collectively migrate during ammonium chemotaxis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii., Scientific reports, Volume 13, Number 1, pp. 10781

Published in 2023 Jul 4 (Electronic publication in July 4, 2023, midnight )

(Abstract) The mechanisms governing chemotaxis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii are largely unknown compared to those regulating phototaxis despite equal importance on the migratory response in the ciliated microalga. To study chemotaxis, we made a simple modification to a conventional Petri dish assay. Using the assay, a novel mechanism governing Chlamydomonas ammonium chemotaxis was revealed. First, we found that light exposure enhances the chemotactic response of wild-type Chlamydomonas strains, yet phototaxis-incompetent mutant strains, eye3-2 and ptx1, exhibit normal chemotaxis. This suggests that Chlamydomonas transduces the light signal pathway in chemotaxis differently from that in phototaxis. Second, we found that Chlamydomonas collectively migrate during chemotaxis but not phototaxis. Collective migration during chemotaxis is not clearly observed when the assay is conducted in the dark. Third, the Chlamydomonas strain CC-124 carrying agg1(-), the AGGREGATE1 gene (AGG1) null mutation, exhibited a more robust collective migratory response than strains carrying the wild-type AGG1 gene. The expression of a recombinant AGG1 protein in the CC-124 strain suppressed this collective migration during chemotaxis. Altogether, these findings suggest a unique mechanism; ammonium chemotaxis in Chlamydomonas is mainly driven by collective cell migration. Furthermore, it is proposed that collective migration is enhanced by light and suppressed by the AGG1 protein.

Naohiro Kato , Louisiana State University , Department of Biological Sciences , Department of Biological Sciences
Gabela Nelson, Alexis Strain

OMERO Dataset
OMERO Project